Stop surviving. Start thriving.

You are not alone living with complex women’s health issues. Our practice is built on compassionate, niched care for women living with complex chronic illness and women's health issues.

Online Therapy for Women and Women’s Health in New York

Signs You Could Benefit from Women’s Health Focused Therapy For Women in New York

We have a skilled team in our New York City-based practice that offers both individual therapy and group therapy for women navigating women’s health issues. We utilize a Third Wave Cognitive Behavior Therapy approach, which means our sessions are not one size fits all. We value a trauma informed, integrative therapeutic approach, blending aspects of Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and more.

You have been managing chronic pain and chronic illness for many years.

You feel like no one gets the mental and physical toll it takes just to get out of bed and start your day. A complex women’s health issue has dramatically changed your day to day and you feel stuck.

You just got the diagnosis that changed your life.

You’re wondering how you are going to keep going and what the future holds. It feels like your plans have completely fallen apart. Infertility or chronic illness have derailed your timeline and what you imagined your future would look like.

You are pregnant after loss.

You feel like this should be some of the best moments of your life. Instead, all you are feeling is anxiety about the future and worrying about the health of yourself and baby. You have a hard time enjoying this pregnancy and being present when you have experienced pregnancy loss or infertility.

You are feeling so overwhelmed and discouraged.

You are trying to navigate women's health issues and still juggle work, dating, your family, kids, your marriage or relationships. It feels like there is not enough hours in the day to take care of yourself and those around you.

You are an incredibly strong, high-achieving woman.

But you are dealing with the grief of a diagnosis, fear of derailed plans, and lack of control. An unexpected event or trauma has happened outside of what you can control or change. You don’t know how to move through this loss.

You are postpartum and endured birth trauma.

You hear everyone around you saying how this is the most magical season of life. On the inside, you are fearful about how you will be able to navigate motherhood and still take care of yourself with chronic pain, painful memories of your baby in the NICU or life threatening birth experiences.

You are grieving infertility or pregnancy loss.

You are gutted by pregnancy announcements on social media, not sure if you will ever experience that joy of sharing your upcoming baby. You are ready to be a mother but feel behind your peers and that your body has betrayed you.

Anxious thoughts fill your mind about the future.

Striving for perfection makes you feel like you are failing. You’re feeling hopeless or feeling more down than usual. You want to figure out a way to not just survive with women's health issues but thrive and live your life fully each day. You need support, a place to process your grief, and coping skills to walk through this difficult situation.

Women Benefit from Online Therapy Navigating Chronic Illness, Chronic Pain, Infertility and Motherhood

You need an expert on complex women’s health issues and their impact on mental health who actually understands what you are going through. You need realistic coping skills, a space to process your grief and tools to start feeling like yourself again. As a team of therapists who are committed to working within the women’s health niche, we understand your journey and want to be on your support team.

Online Therapy is an Amazing Option for Women with Health Issues

Woman working on therapy goals. If you are a woman in today's trying to survive and thrive in the hustle culture, online therapy in DC may be a great fit for you. It's easy convenient, and safe! Learn more here.

Women’s health is so intricately tied to our mental health. If you are facing women’s health issues like autoimmune disorders, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, thyroid disease, PTSD, endometriosis, adenomyosis, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, complex chronic illness, cancer, infertility, birth trauma, or miscarriage, you are not alone.

You are juggling so many doctor appointments in person already. Take one waiting room out of the equation with telehealth. You now have the option to carve out one hour a week for your mental health, growth, and healing from the comfort of your own home with a therapist specialized in women’s health.

Online Counseling Services Provided for Complex Chronic Illness and Women’s Health

Young woman participating in group therapy online.  Having a support system in place can be hugely beneficial to maintaining good mental health. Online group therapy for women in DC, Virginia and Maryland can offer the support you need.

We offer integrated therapy rooted in Third Wave Cognitive Behavioral techniques including CBT, Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in order to address women's health issues, chronic illness, anxiety, and perinatal mental health. Trauma informed CBT techniques allow us to retrain our brains and increase helpful thought patterns. Mindfulness techniques allow us to sit with our grief and pain, take committed action steps towards change, acknowledge our emotions and increase our feelings of acceptance.

Complex chronic health issues can also impact our experience of medical trauma. We utilize integrative therapeutic techniques in order to identify ways that trauma impacts your day-to-day, create trauma-informed cognitive reframes, and decrease symptoms of trauma, anxiety and depression.

We offer the following online therapy services for women in New York:

Woman sitting at her desk participating in online therapy. As a woman you face a unique set of challenges in regard to your mental health. Online therapy for women in DC, Virginia, and Maryland can help you navigate your mental health journey.

Online Therapy for Women’s Health

Woman working on a laptop representing taking part in online therapy in DC to process past trauma and overcome those challenges to live her best life. Learn more about online therapy in DC here.

Anxiety and depression are linked to hosts of women’s health issues. Our clients are resilient individuals yet they feel isolated in their pain. They find it difficult to connect with others and feel truly understood in their grief. They feel like no one gets it and are frustrated with not having a clear path to find relief. They feel overwhelmed trying to balance the stress of work and everyday life.

If you are tired of walking this journey alone, reach out. Discover tools to cope with the day-to-day stressors you are facing and stop carrying this pain by yourself. We specialize in working with women just like you and would love to be a part of your team of healing to provide space, support and solution-focused techniques to improve your day-to-day.

Online Therapy for Women in New York City

A warm, compassionate and integrative therapeutic approach is what we pride ourselves on at our practice. At our New York City office with a team of  skilled therapists, we are here to guide you through this process of healing in order to find stability and move through your pain in a healthy way. Follow the steps below to get started on your journey to healing.


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Start your journey to healing.

Services Offered at New York City CBT Counseling for Women’s Health

We understand that women face a unique set of mental health challenges and need specialized support. No two mental health journey’s are the same and we offer care and support that is specific to each individual. We offer integrative therapeutic services in therapy for anxiety, chronic illness, women’s health issues and perinatal mental health in both individual and group counseling settings. We specialize in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy in addition to DBT and CBT.