Postpartum Support For Women in Washington DC and New York

Graphic of a pregnant woman representing someone who could benefit from Pregnancy and Postpartum Support Group in Washington, DC.

You Just Went Through a Huge Life Change. It's Okay to Not Feel Okay.

You've welcomed your baby, and despite looking forward to this moment, you might be feeling overwhelmed. Postpartum can bring anxiety about motherhood's challenges and the changes in your body. Perhaps, you're anxious about caring for your newborn or worried about the uncertainties that come with motherhood. What should be a time of joy may be overshadowed by worries, doubt, and fear.

New Baby, Unexpected Emotions

You just had your baby and you feel guilty, confused, and unheard. You feel like you should be happy but maybe you're not. You feel as if there is something wrong because you don't feel bonded with your baby right away. You love them but don't feel the 'instant connection' you thought you would. Maybe your baby spent time in the NICU  or you had a traumatic birth and that's making it even harder or trying to navigate motherhood with chronic pain and chronic illness. This is not the way you imagined motherhood - the feelings of inadequacy, exhaustion, and isolation can be overwhelming.

Struggling With Your New Identity

You're also struggling with your new identity as a mom and the isolation that can come with this stage of life. You miss your independence before your baby and not being fully responsible for the well-being of another human 24/7 while trying to just take care of yourself amidst health struggles. This makes you feel guilty and a sense of shame because you're not "perfectly happy" with this new phase of life. It's hard and it's okay to not be okay at this moment. Your best moments of motherhood are still ahead of you.

Graphic of a women holding a baby representing a woman going through the changes motherhood brings who could benefit from a Pregnancy and Postpartum Support Group in Washington, DC.

What Are the Benefits of Supportive Therapy for Postpartum Moms in New York and Washington DC?

Transitioning to motherhood is overwhelming and hard to prepare for as nothing can really prepare you for the transformation of your life that comes with becoming a mother. Therapy is a way to build a safe, nurturing, and non-judgmental space for new mothers to share their experiences and transition to motherhood.


  • Learning how to manage emotions and stress related to becoming a parent

  • Moving through the emotions of birth trauma or traumatic pregnancy

  • Understanding how to cope with the daily challenges of parenting

  • Developing tools and strategies to help manage life transitions

  • Connecting with other mothers to provide emotional support

  • Building resilience and Self-compassion

  • Exploring motherhood identity

Motherhood is a journey, and it can be easier and more enjoyable when we have the right support. Through supportive psychotherapy, you will have the therapeutic tools and resources to provide you with the support and understanding needed for this important transition.  It's okay to not be okay and you don't have to do it alone. As a therapist that works exclusively with women, I understand these challenges and want to support you.

Graphic of a mother with a toddler representing a mom who could benefit from the support of the Pregnancy and Postpartum Support Group in Washington, DC.

I Am Here to Support You During Your Transition to Motherhood.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, or confused, know that there is someone who can support what you are going through. I have worked with many mothers who have felt that they were guilty because they weren't enjoying their pregnancy or the first few weeks of motherhood. They were tired, overwhelmed, and feeling guilty that they weren't living up to the idealized version of motherhood they thought they were supposed to be.


In this form therapy and individual support, I will help guide you through the process of healing and your transition to motherhood. I'm here to support you every step of the way. We will explore your identity, build resilience and self-compassion, manage stress and emotions, and develop coping strategies to help you manage the daily challenges of parenting. It's okay to not be okay and to reach out for support when you need it. You can do this, and I'm here to help.

Graphic of a mother with her red headed toddler who could use the support gained from interacting with other moms in the Pregnancy and Postpartum Support Group in Washington, DC.

My Approach to Postpartum Support For Women

Throughout therapy, we will be working on psycho-education to learn more about the changes and transitions that come with motherhood. We will also focus on the strategies and tools to help manage emotions and stress.


In addition, we will be exploring motherhood identity and developing a sense of self-compassion and resilience. We will be working together to create a safe, supportive space for you as a mother to share your experiences, struggles, and challenges. There will also be "homework" for you to work on outside of the session to help deepen your understanding and progress.

In our sessions, we will be using CBT and ACT modalities to help moms with the transition to motherhood. This additional support is so helpful when navigating motherhood with chronic illness, chronic pain, birth trauma or medical trauma.


Graphic of a black haired woman holding a child representing benefits to be gained from participating in a Pregnancy and Postpartum Support Group in Washington, DC.

CBT will focus on trauma-informed approaches, validating the medical trauma that you as a mom have experienced along with any other trauma or loss you have experienced. We will talk about different thought patterns and how to move through grief, loss, and trauma in order to start moving forward in your journey as a mother.


ACT will focus on mindfulness and self-compassion exercises that can help you as a mom to be present with your emotions without judgment. No emotions are good or bad- they are just present. You may feel guilt, shame, or fear- but those are all valid and normal emotions that come with this transition. We will be using ACT to help you learn how to accept your thoughts and feelings without judgment and to learn to be present with them. We will also work on learning that all emotions are valid but how to explore and understand them.

Interested in Postpartum Therapy in Washington, DC or New York?

It's okay to not be okay and to reach out for support when you need it. Women’s CBT is here to provide understanding, empathy, and support to help you through your transition to motherhood. The transition to motherhood is glamorized and can make mothers feel inadequate and uncomfortable. I am here to help you move through this transition with understanding and support.  Follow the steps below to get started on your journey to healing.

  1. Get to know me here.

  2. Fill out our convenient online mental health services contact form.

  3. Begin healing and exploring your identity and emotions!

Other Mental Health Services Offered at Greater Washington DC and New York City CBT Counseling for Women

You deserve to heal from the uncertainty, shame, and fear you may be feeling during your transition to motherhood. You can still have the best moments of your life while feeling supported and loved. At Greater Washington DC and New York City CBT Counseling for Women, I offer an array of therapeutic services for anxiety, depression, and PTSD in both Individual and Group counseling settings. I also specialize in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy in addition to CBT.