Illustration of woman using smart phone to represent ease of using Telehealth for online therapy from the comfort of your own home. Individual online counseling near Northern Virginia, Washington DC and NYC for chronic health issues and chronic pain.

Individual Online Therapy

I offer online counseling from the comfort of your own home with my DC-based therapy practice. Step into my virtual waiting room and easily carve out an hour each week for self-care, personal growth, and healing. Use Cognitive Behavior Therapy and mindfulness techniques to decrease feelings of anxiety and depression. Learn Cognitive Processing Therapy tools to manage trauma symptoms in a helpful way.

Illustration of group of women representing the online support group therapy for women with chronic pain and chronic illness. Group therapy near Washington, DC, Alexandria, Virginia,  Arlington, Virginia, Bethesda, Maryland and New York City.

Group Online Therapy

Various online therapy groups are offered at convenient times for women navigating chronic pain and chronic illness as well as perinatal and postpartum mood disorders.

Learn CBT and mindfulness tools to increase your coping skills. Meet women navigating similar issues who really understand what you are dealing with and leave feeling supported.